360 Rain - NEW autonomous irrigation system Check out the new way to irrigate your crop by delivering bands of liquid manure or water (from a well or drain tile) directly to the base of the plant. 360 RAIN provides advantages over traditional irrigation methods - requires much lower volumes of water than traditional irrigation systems. Depending on field size, wells need to provide just 100 to 225 gallons per minute to the system. Plus, the 360 RAIN system also provides 100% field coverage - no special equipment needed to cover the corners that are typical to center pivot fields. Check out a 360 RAIN machine at the McLeod, ND field day on August 21, 2024. RSVP to attend a 90 minute sesssion or open house from 3:00 - 6:00 pm.  360 Rain Summer programs are available until Sept 6, 2024. Choose one of the following: * $10,000 order discount (no rebate check but reduction in invoice price) * $25,000 down payment due immediately and balance due the later of the Rain ship date or 1/1/25 (regular terms require $50,000 down payment) * Free shipping in Continental U.S. * Reimbursement of one year of interest expense to borrower on a fixed year/fixed rate loan associated with a 360 RAIN unit. Call 888-606-0407 to reserve a machine today! Visit www.360Rain.com for more information. PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSOR SALES & SERVICE Sales & Service for Atlas Copco, Sullar and Doosan portable air compressors, 185 models. All units include a 125' hose, reel and air wand. 
Farmer's Business Netwok AgroValley Solutions would like to help you with crop protection products and seed for your farm using the FBN Direct Marketplace, your source for exclusive FBN member discounts from brands you know and trust. These discounts have already been negotiated and are exclusive for FBN members. Membership is FREE, products are easy to order, orders > $5,000 ship for FREE. Warehouse pickup is also available. Call us today at 888-666-0407 to learn more about the FBN offerings, including analytics, crop insurance, financing, health insurance, farm analysis and much more..
Conklin Agronomy Seminars Attend a Conklin ag seminar to learn how the Conklin AgroVantage System can increase yields and maximize profits on your farm. Receive product discounts of $.05/gal on bulk fertilizer and 3% on companion ag products for 5 yrs.
Attend this seminar to learn how to grow your profits and enhance you yields! * Take the guesswork out of diagnosing your soil's nutrient requirements * Utilize a complete soil-testing program from an independent national lab * Decrease your nitrogen costs up to 20% * Learn about the effiencies of row-placed fertilizer * Understand the benefits of foliar feeding for your crops. * Learn about Kip Kullers foliar fertilizer program, Liquid Sugar/Fulvic Acid and Intensify plant growth promotor
Click video to watch an overview of agronomy seminar.
Conklin's Exclusive AgroVantage System
This agricultural fertilizer system has been developed through years of field trials and nationwide research. This high quality crop management system is cost effective and easy to handle. The program is based on the use of premium farm fertilizer - starter and foliar fertilizers, nitrogen management, micro & secondary nutrients, seed emergence aids, forage and seed inoculates, state of the art surfactants, and exciting EPA-approved plant growth regulators. Designed to deliver the kind of production advantages modern agriculture demands, the Conklin AgroVantage System can help you reduce application costs and increase yields. Products are wholesale prices and are shipped direct from the factory to your farm! Click here for more info. Review the research to back up our claims. Click here for Research & Results!
Endurplas Liquid Storage Tanks
Do you need a tank to store liquid fertilizer? Consider using the Enduratank, manufactured with maximum value for money in mind and widely renowned as the highest quality poly tank on the market today. Shipped direct to your farm! Click here for details.
Force Manufacturing Quad Steer Liquid Fertilizer Carts
Use a Force Manufacturing liquid fertilizer cart to apply your fertilizer. Click here for details.

Liquid Side Dressing Machines, Liquid Planter Attachments & Spray Accessories

Need equipment for your liquid fertilizer application? Click here for more info.
Schaffert Manufacturing Planter Attachments
Need attachments for your planter to apply liquid farm fertilizer? Click here for more info.